3 Hands 2 Foot Triplet Pattern
Dedicated for: intermediate to advanced levels
Pages: 71
No. of video presentations: 33
Total videos duration: 52:27
In this lesson I present you a triplet pattern that may be used in a variety of musical situations. Here I focus mostly on creating different fills using the same pattern.
I start with the basics thoroughly explaining the pattern. Next we get comfortable with playing it just on the snare drum and the bass drum and then on the whole kit.
After that I show you ten different orchestration ideas that you may to apply to your own drumming and music. In the following chapters I present you different fill length, its placement in the bar and subdivision options as well as pattern modifications. Every option is enriched with a voicing example and tips to follow during the learning process.
The last chapter includes all the tips and advices that I gave you throughout the lesson. They include practicing method, using the pattern in music, technique and other aspects of drumming.